Overall project goals
- improve developer productivity and happiness in building a web app
- aggregate the best-in-class offerings to front-end devs
- help developers manage application complexity
- provide strong defaults, but be flexible enough for users to extend for custom project needs
Roadmap targets
- provide first-class hooks for tools like WebStorm, Brackets, Sublime
- support for authoring in ES6 for Traceur
- better support for mobile web apps
- forked view layer, remote debugging á la Adobe Inspect/Shadow (also see #167) or Remote Preview, DevTools UI for iOS 6
- Adobe Shadow-like follow behavior for all desktop/mobile via browserstack/browserling cloud browsers
- detect memory leak patterns (via Esprima?)
- integration with backends (Express, PHP) during iteration
- better unit test execution
- only run affected tests, test in all browsers, test in cloud browsers
- UI testing á la casper.js
- integration with thrill for testing for all browsers simultaneously
- solve client side storage, offline and sync
- rich synchronization (both realtime- and offline-collaboration)
incl server
- web components via package management
- revolution in code reuse via package management :) (fix js ecosystem fragmentation)
- UI widgets (Kendo, ClosureLib, Bootstrap, web components?)
- Auth (Google Connect) and Payment (Stripe or Google Payment)